The exam day is an important day for most candidates.
Being prepared for the day guarantees a smooth procedure
and makes the examination a pleasant experience.

Same day
For your convenience, we scheduled both the Speaking Exam and the Written Exam on the same day. This means you only need to plan one day off in order to finish your Cambridge English Exams.

The different parts of the Written Exams take place in the morning. In the afternoon, the Speaking Exam takes place. We expect you to arrive at least 30 minutes before the start of your exam, in order to check your ID and take a photo.

The spoken part of the exam takes about 15 minutes per pair. When your speaking exam is scheduled in the afternoon, you are free to go home afterwards.

More information about preparing for the exam is available on this page or on the Cambridge support website.

Exam Day Timetable – example C1 Advanced


Reading and Use of English90 min09.00 – 10.30h
Writing90 min11.00 – 12.30h
Listening40 min13.00 – 13.40h
Speaking15 min/pair14.00- 17.00h


For a more extended timetable per level, go to this page.